Norvet MSP Cybersecurity Service

Cloud Directory Posture 

Track the security posture & activity of users (e.g. MFA & inactivity) and their mailbox rules (e.g. forwarding). 

External Footprint Scan 

Discover Domains, IPs, & exposed assets. The discovery domain is used to link associated domains and IPs to the asset list. 

Dark Web Monitoring 

Search for leaked credentials and confidential data in the dark web. 

Cloud Data Protection 

Identify external exposure of files and folders and potential data exfiltration. 

Email Protection

Continuous monitoring of email, via organization-wide APIs, to detect threats such as Spam, Virus, Phishing, etc and take immediate action to quarantine the email or warn the users. 

Endpoint Security 

Monitor device posture, manage Microsoft Defender policy settings and discover end-point threats in real-time to automate remediations and prevent issue escalation. 

Secure Browsing 

The browser extension alerts on activity related to malicious sites, web redirects, and unsafe extensions. 

Security Awareness Training 

Train employees on the latest cybersecurity best practices to create a first line of defense against attackers. 

Phishing Simulations 

Use simulated phishing campaigns, generated by a creative AI tool, to test employees and help educate them on this common threat.